6500 North Mopac Expy

Bldg. 2, Suite 2102

(512) 476-6060

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Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction (ED) also referred to as impotence is basically defined as the inability to get and/or keep an erection firm enough for sex.  Erectile dysfunction is the most common sex problem reported to doctors by the male population with nearly 30 million men affected.  It is not uncommon for men to have issues with erections occasionally but when it is getting progressively worse or happens routinely during sex it should be evaluated and treated.

Erectile Dysfunction typically happens when blood flow to the penis is limited or the nerves are compromised.  Causes are usually medical in nature but can sometimes be psychological.  Many prescription medications, recreational drugs, alcohol and smoking has been linked to Erectile Dysfunction.   Persistent erection problems should be discussed with your doctor because it could be caused by a serious medical condition including heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and more.  For more information about Erectile Dysfunction and its causes, read this article in Medical News Today.

Erectile Dysfunction

Symptoms of erectile dysfunction are pretty straight-forward and include:

  • Trouble getting an erection
  • Trouble maintaining an erection
  • Reduction in sexual desire

There are treatments that can help in all aspects of these symptoms.  The key is determining which physical and psychological factors are contributing to your erectile dysfunction issues.

How we can help

Austin Urological Associates can help men with erectile dysfunction.  Millions of men suffer from erectile dysfunction and it is a well known and well researched condition.  Effective treatment is available.  At Austin Urological Associates, we screen patients to determine the cause of the erectile dysfunction and offer treatments that will help them get back to normal everyday life.  Contact us for an appointment at (512) 476-6060

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If you need more information about a condition or one of our procedures, please call us during normal business hours or use this form 24/7. 

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