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Bladder Cancer
The most common type of bladder cancer is transitional cell carcinoma that begins in the cells that line the inside of your bladder. Most bladder cancers are diagnosed at an early stage and is highly treatable. Symptoms include blood in the urine, frequent and/or painful urination, and back pain. Smoking is one of the primary risk factors for bladder cancer as your body processes the chemicals in the smoke and excretes them in your urine. Bladder cancer also increases with age and exposure to certain chemicals. Men are more likely to develop bladder cancer than women. Learn more about bladder cancer by visiting the national Cancer Institute website.

Often, people with bladder cancer do not have any symptoms. Many times, once the symptoms do appear, the cancer has already started to spread. The symptoms listed below may be from another condition not related to cancer.
- Blood or blood clots in the urine
- Painful urination or burning sensation when urinating
- Feeling the need to urinate more often than usual especially at night
- Not being able to urinate even though you need to urinate
- Lower back pain isolated on one side of the body
If you have any of these symptoms or a combination of symptoms, consider coming in to see Dr. Chhikara.
Bladder cancer is basically mutations in the DNA. These mutated cells multiply rapidly to form a tumor that can invade and destroy normal tissue. These abnormal cells can spread through out the body. Risk factors that can contribute to an increased chance of bladder cancer include:
- Smoking
- Age over 55
- Being male
- Exposure to certain chemicals
- Chronic bladder inflammation
- Family history of cancer
You and Dr. Chhikara can discuss which treatments will give you the best results. Bladder cancer treatments are based on certain characteristics of the diagnosis as well as your overall health. The most common types of treatment for bladder cancer include surgery, chemotherapy, immunotherapy and radiation therapy among other treatments.
The best course of action is to first diagnose your condition, its affect on your body and health to determine the best treatment.
How we can help
Austin Urological Associates can help men and women with bladder cancer. Our urologist have the experience and training to specialize in this area. Treatment of bladder cancer is a specialization and Dr. Chhikara has the expertise needed to provide treatment that is custom tailored to your situation. We will work with you to review all your treatment options and expectations and find one that meets your needs. Contact us for an appointment at (512) 476-6060
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