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Kidney Cancer
Kidney cancer can develop in adults and children. The three most common types of kidney cancer are renal cell cancer, transitional cell cancer and Wilms tumor. Most kidney cancers first appear in the lining of tiny tubes in the kidney. With regular check-ups, most kidney cancers are found before they spread. When detected and treated early, they are easier to treat successfully. Some risk factors associated with kidney cancer are smoking, obesity, use of certain medical conditions or medications, and genetic or hereditary markers. Males are twice as likely as women to develop kidney cancer.
Symptoms include blood in the urine, a lump in your side or abdomen, loss of appetite, unexplained weight loss, fever, fatigue, anemia, swelling in your ankles or legs. Kidney cancer can spread to other parts of your body if unchecked. Your urologist can check for kidney cancer with urine and blood tests, intravenous pyelogram, ultrasound, CT scan, MRI or renal arteriogram. For more information about kidney cancer, please visit the National Cancer Institute.

Like most cancers, early kidney cancer typically does not cause any symptoms. Once the cancer grows possible signs of kidney cancer include:
- Blood in the uring
- Low back pain on one side not caused by an injury
- A lump on the side or lower back
- Loss of appetite
- Unexplained weight loss
- Continuous fatigue
- Low red cell blood counts
- Fever that persists but not caused by known infection
These symptoms could very well be from a condition not related to cancer. In many cases, these symptoms indicate a more benign disease or condition. To be cautious if you are experiencing these symptoms, it is a good idea to schedule a visit with us to be sure.
The exact cause of cancer in general and kidney cancer specifically is unknown. What we do know is that there are risk factors that seem to increase your chances of developing kidney cancer or any cancer for that matter.
Kidney cancer risk factors
- Smoking
- Obesity
- High blood pressure
- Family history of cancer
- People who have had radiation therapy or long-term dialysis
These are only a few. If you suspect that you may have developed kidney cancer, be safe and schedule an appointment with us. Early detection increases your chance of successful treatment.
Once a diagnosis of kidney cancer is confirmed and the stage is known, you and your doctor will develop a treatment plan that fits your needs and goals. In most cases, surgery is the first step. For more information about kidney cancer treatments, please visit the Renal Cell Cancer treatment page of the National Cancer Institute.
How we can help
Austin Urological Associates can help with the diagnosing and treatment of kidney cancer. Dr. Chhikara has the knowledge and expertise in the treatment process for kidney cancer to best mitigate the condition. It starts with diagnosing the presence of kidney cancer and the stage of development. Dr. Chhikara and his team will work with you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to your needs. Contact us for an appointment at (512) 476-6060
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